We're not just about putting on a show, we're about helping you build life skills while pursuing your passion for the performing arts!

Exclusive LJ performances

  • Alexandra Palace

  • Her Majesties Theatre, West End

  • London O2

  • Finchley Arts Depot

  • Uppingham Theatre

  • Sue Townsend Theatre

Collaborative LJ Performances

  • Wembley Stadium

  • Children In Need

  • Local Festivals & Shows

The Addams Family at Uppingham

"I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another, the sense of what it is to be a human being ”


Your Questions Answered

How do Children get to the theatre?

They will need to be transported to and from the Theatre by parents or carers and signed in at the called time. Children will then be released after the performance in class order. This will be announced beforehand. Please note that timings cannot be flexible due to health, safety and safeguarding on the premises.

Does my child need a packed lunch?

Yes, along with a packed tea and plenty to drink. It will be a long day with plenty of breaks. Slow releasing energy foods like pasta & bananas are great. Please try to avoid too much sugar and fizzy drinks. We operate a NO NUTS policy and this includes Nutella, Peanut Butter, some cereal bars and Pesto. Children will have lots of supervised break times. Providing plenty of water is essential so please make sure your child has lots to drink. Children will have lots of supervised break times. Providing plenty of water is essential so please make sure your child has lots to drink.

What does my child need to bring?

You will have been given costumes for your child to bring with them on show day or your LJ teacher will inform you of costumes that they will bring. All participants will need hair and make-up things, more info in our checklist here. They will need a packed lunch & tea, plenty of water and lots of energy

How much do costumes cost?

We are very conscious of costume prices and it is our main aim to ensure that Parents do not spend huge amounts of money on costume. We ask that all children wear their LJ T-shirt and black bottoms (leggings or Joggers) and black trainers, plimsoles or Jazz shoes. These are staple items which are worn in class each week anyway so all children should already have these. Costumes provided by Lemon Jelly are hired out to you for a fee of £10-£15 for all Items that you will borrow. This is to cover costs of cleaning and repairing. We are a small operation that does not have a huge budget or warehouse for costumes. Many items are bought specifically and/or hired for the purpose of this show. The average cost to us is £12 per costume (most classes are being provided with 2) Your hire fee is a contribution to the overall cost of costuming everyone.

Can my child bring a device to the theatre?

No devices in the theatre please. There will be plenty going on for children all day and we will not accept responsibility for any devices, phones and other valuables on show day.

Collecting my child at the end of the show?

There will be information emailed out before the show to let you know where to collect your child at the end of the performance. as you can imagine, it gets very busy and we really appreciate your help to get every child out safely and hope you can allow time for this. We try to do this as quickly as possible and each class will have a designated collection area. This will be in an email and announced on show day.

Will the show be filmed?

No, we will not be filming the show due to additional costs and licensing BUT we do have a professional photographer to capture moments of the day for you to keep as a memory. We used this photographer last year at the Ally Pally and his work is very good.

Can I take photos/Videos?

No photography or videography is permitted. Aside from the fact that Theatres have strict policies on filming and photographic content, we feel it is so important to immerse yourself in this experience with your child. It prompted us to write a blog post on it after watching a documentary on Oasis (the band) in the 90's. Our professional photographer will capture some great moments during the rehearsals.

Timings on show day?

Uppingham Theatre timings

Children required to sign in on BOTH DAYS at the stage door (side of the theatre) - to comply with child performance guidance we have to stick with the following times.


9+ from 11:30am

5-8Yrs - from 1:30pm


Everyone to arrive at 11am

Doors/Bar open one hour before each performance

Saturday Matinee 3:30pm

Saturday Evening 7pm

Sunday Matinee 2pm

Can parents stay for rehearsals?

No. Parents are not permitted to stay. Parents need to drop their child to their registration point at the entrance of the theatre and collect them at the end of the show. We have very strict safeguarding procedures and Parents are only allowed in the designated public areas.

Will there be plenty of break time?

YES!! A lot of break time. We have designated rehearsal on stage, the rest of the time is either break time or getting ready for the show with occasional practise off stage. All children will be supervised by their LJ teacher and other staff members at all times.

Where do I give medication/epi pens?

All Epi Pens or Medication should be handed to a Lemon Jelly Member of staff (wearing a lanyard and a LJ t-shirt). Please also give the child's full name and ensure that any medical notes are updated on your parent account. Our staff member may ask a series of questions when receiving the medication. This is to ensure that every staff member that is with your child, is aware of their needs throughout the day.

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